Tuesday, 5 October 2010

East London News: Webpage Research.

BBC News Layout

The BBC News layout consists of the logo's brand identity colours, white and red with the text being written in black font, and the storyline headings being written in big, bold, blue font. The main storyline consists of an enlarged image, that are bigger than the rest of the images linked to other news headines and is the first story underneath the navigation bar on the webpage.
The BBC's webpage also contain a section on the viewers right hand side, that consists of a tool bar where you can watch the latest news in video.
The main background colour of the webpage is white, with the brand identity at the top of the page and the news logo placed within the top left hand corner.

BBC Navigation Bar

The BBC navigation bar consists of the different news story genres you can select from, and has an animated newsline player, listing and changing to all the latest newslines happening around the world, with a pause, back and forward player at the right hand side of the navigation bar.


The content on the BBC is formal, aimed mainly at a middle and upper class audience.
It is also easy for most working class citizens to understand.


The design of the webpage is simple and neat, not really fancy. The colour of the webpage contains the program's brand identity colour of red and white, with a hint of a darker red/burbandy colour.
The links/titles are in blue.


The audience for the BBC audience is from working class and upwards, as a lot of the content is formal but easy for working class to understand and adjust towards.

CBBC Newsround Layout

The CBBC Newsround layout is constructed mainly with images on the page and short sentences to match them, due to the site being mainly for a younger audience.

CBBC Newsround Navigation Bar

The navigation bar is structured vertically with the webpage links going down. The links are linked with cartoon images so that they are easy to understand for younger students and people that probably have difficulties with reading and understand things more easily by referring to images.


The content is less formal for the CBBC webpage as it is aged mainly for children between the ages of 11 - 15. However it is written for their age group to easily understand.


The design of the webpage is simple with a plain aqua background. The main colour of the page is green and blue, with various other colours over the page such as orange, and the text being white. This creates a colourful design which is more appealing to a younger and more witty and playful generation.


The CBBC Newsround audience is a younger audience than all the other webpages. It is aimed at children, henced by the meaning of 'CBBC' (Children's British Broadcasting Channel) Also its news stories and feeds are children friendly, making sure that it is viewable by all ages from all backgrounds.

Sky News Layout

The Sky News Layout is constructed with a lot of text, and a few images/advertisements that promote their own services and television packages on their webpage. It looks really packed, as it contains a lot of information and lots of different navigation links. It is formally structed, with the main stories being sectioned in tabs and the links being placed within the navigation bar.

Sky News Navigation Bar

The navigation bar consist of many different news genres and topics such as politics and photo's. The links are placed vertically as the navigation bar is laid out horizontally on the webpage. It is easy to understand. It also contains a section called 'most searched' which shows the main stories users have been viewing on their website. It also has a section called 'papers' covering news that is being talked about in the day's nation papers.


The content is really formal and contains a fair amount of text with the main stories summerised in short formal sentences. The images on the page are mainly suitable and attractive for an older audience, ranging from the age of 20+


The main colours of the webpage is black and white, with a bit of red, highlighting the main and important words on the site. The colours do represent the news channel's brand identity and is appealing to its audience. The design of the site is very formal, but also simple to navigate around, containing lot's of links and images/videos to click on and view/play.


The audience for the Sky News webpage is aimed mainly towards a middle and upper class audience. with the layout and content of the page being really formal as well as the text. It is most likely to be aimed at males, but also attracts feminine attention, with an age range of 20+

London Evening Standard Layout

The layout of the London Evening Standard is formulated with mainly text on the webpage, and contains very few images. However the main topic on the page contains a big image, with other stories containing small avatar size images.

London Evening Standard Navigation Bar

The navigation bar of the London Evening Standard webpage, is structured out really well, with both the bar and links being placed horizontally and easy to understand. It contains the main news stories genres and a section that is called 'Hot Topics' animating text on the main stories that are being talked about and viewed on their website.


The content of the webpage is really formal and is mainly aimed at males, but is also attractive towards a feminine audience. It contains images that are suitable for all ages, genders and backgrounds but is more appealing towards an older audience of 23+


The design of the page is unique and contains a few graphical effects, where the titles are placed on the page. It also has an advertisement as its page wallpaper/layout. The webpage does use the logo's brand identity of white and black as it's colour's for the webpage, it also contains a bright yellow which is attractive and catches its audience attention and focus.


The audience for the London Evening Standard webpage is a formal audience mainly from a middle/upper class background, with the working class probably just slotting in. It is universal and is appealing to all ethnicity's and backgrounds.

The Voice Layout

The layout of The Voice is neatly designed with a banner of the news logo as it's starting source on its webpage. The navigation bar is placed underneath the banner, and the rest of the layout is structed in a simple format with images relating to stories and formal text by the side and under the images.

The Voice Navigation Bar

The navigation bar for The Voice is really simple and easy to use, with the main webpage titles placed along horizontally. It is less formal, in contradiction to the rest of the webpage, but is more easier to understand.

The content of the page is mainly appealing to an ethnic background. This is what makes The Voice newspaper unique and more appealing to a specific audience. It also contains a reasonable amount of text that is easy to understand and the links are simple understand, find and use.

The colour of The Voice webpage reflects on the logo's brand identity and is appealing to its audience, being used really well. The design of the page is simple but also so effective, with the banner catching the audience's focus and the format of the page being structured to fit in comfortably.


The audience is mainly aimed towards a black/ethnicity background, that are mainly working/middle class. It is aimed towards a universal audience and is mainly appealing to people over the ages of 16+

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